Actividades formativas de Doctorado de la Universidad de Cádiz

Introduction to the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model

Organiza: Comisión Académica Programa Ciencias y Tecnologías Marinas

Inscripción en:
(en este momento no hay plazo abierto para inscripción en este curso)

Plazas ofertadas por grupo: 10
Duración: 12 horas
Modalidad: Presencial    Idioma: Ingles

Lugar de impartición: CASEM
Campus de Puerto Real
Precio de matrícula de este curso: 6.56 euros

Doctorandas y doctorandos de EIDEMAR

Descripción general

This short course is addressed to students or researchers with an interest in knowing how to run a state-of-the-art mesoscale numerical weather prediction (NWP) model. After the course, you will have the basic knowledge to know how to run the WRF model by yourself.


Tuesday 19 March (from 10:00 to 14:00)
- Short introduction to numerical modelling and mesoscale models.
- Basic/useful information about the WRF model, components, and installation.
- The WRF Pre-processing System (WPS).

Wednesday 20 March (from 10:00 to 14:00)
- WRF-ARW: understanding the namelist.input, the physical schemes, and how to
configure the different options in WRF.
- Running the model (a real case).

Thursday 21 March (from 10:00 to 14:00)
- WRF postprocessing, output analysis, and tools. Understanding the model output.

Competencias básicas y capacidades

Información adicional


- Basic knowledge of the Earth System, meteorology/oceanography. Basic knowledge of Unix Linux environment.
The course will be given in English.

- A laptop with MobaXTerm, PuTTY (or similar) previously installed with ssh command working, X11 server recommended. We can help with the installation before the course.