Plazas ofertadas por grupo: 30
Duración: 12 horas (10 h. presenciales) Modalidad: Presencial Idioma: Inglés
Lugar de impartición: Facultad de Ciencias
Campus de Puerto Real Precio de matrícula de este curso: 0 euros
Doctorandos del Programa de Doctorado en Nanociencia y Tecnologías de Materiales
Descripción general
The primary goal of these lectures is to cover both the achieved milestones and to outline the current research efforts in this field, considering experimental and theoretical viewpoints. The main topics of this course can be summarized as follows:
A general introduction on the topic accessible to a broad audience, including nonspecialists in the field
A detailed description of the experimental evidences of the NWs chemical and physical properties
An exhaustive review of the theoretical state-of-art on the properties of NWs, trying to bridge gaps between theoretical modeling and its consolidation into experiments
An overview of the most exciting technological applications of these materials, highlighting their connections with basic solid-state phenomena
Lecture I: Introduction and growth methods
Lecture II: Growth methods and surface structure
Lecture III: Chemical and physical properties
Lecture IV: Advanced technological devices
Lecciones Magistrales del profesor Michele Amato con apoyo de Medios Audiovisuales (10 hs. presenciales)
Trabajo particular del alumno sobre actividades propuestas en el curso (2 hs. NO Presencial)
Sistema de evaluación
Asistencia al curso (80%)
Realización de actividades propuestas en el curso (20%)
R. Rurali, Rev. Mod. Phys., 82 (2010)
A. Hochbaum and P. Yang, Chem. Rev., 1, 110 (2010)
M. Amato et al., Chem. Rev. 114 (2014)
M. Amato and R. Rurali, Prog. Surf. Sci. 91, 1-28 (2016)
O. Hayden et al., Nanotoday 3 5-6 (2008)
Programación (14-04-2020 a 17-04-2020)
Facultad de Ciencias. Sala de Juntas Lola Gordillo
Michele Amato
Introduction and growth methods
Facultad de Ciencias. Sala de Juntas Lola Gordillo
Michele Amato
Growth methods and surface structure
Facultad de Ciencias. Sala de Juntas Lola Gordillo
Michele Amato
Chemical and physical properties
Facultad de Ciencias. Sala de Juntas Lola Gordillo
Michele Amato
Advanced technological devices
Información adicional
Michele Amato is Assistant Professor in the Laboratoire de Physique des Solides (LPS) at Université Paris-Sud, Orsay (France). His research is devoted to the application of computational modeling to outstanding problems and issues in materials science, using ab initio quantum mechanical theory and codes. This approach aims to atomically understand and design the main properties of new materials, without the need to synthesize them. It represents a powerful tool to predict material's properties, which has acquired a progressive importance in various advanced technological sectors. From the early stages of his career, He had a focused effort on nanoscience, investigating the most advanced materials in this field such as semiconductor nanowires (Si, Ge or alloyed SiGe), two-dimensional materials (graphene, boron nitride nanosheets) and fullerenes given their high technological potential as building-blocks for photovoltaic, thermoelectric and opto-electronic devices.
Michele Amato has a broad range of teaching experience, from extensive tutoring and individual mentoring to teaching undergraduate and graduate courses.